[English below]
Si observamos la estética del grupo y los pequeños adelantos que nos ha ofrecido la banda estamos ante una banda de power metal cuya referencia clara es Manowar y se asemejan a Brothers in Metal. Y es que este proyecto liderado por los vocalistas Tim ‘Tetzel’ Schmidt ( Asenblut) y Antonio Calanna ( DeVicious) no tiene ni trampa ni cartón, este es un tipo de Power donde abundan los medios tiempos, los himnos y la simpleza unida a pura fuerza y que realmente te puede encantar como simplemente aborrecer.
El disco que nos sumerge en historias de héroes y que nos obliga a cantar sus himnos con temas que funcionan en directo como un tiro, simplemente te obliga a ponerte las pilas. El registro de ambos vocalistas nos da un montón de texturas que se reflejan en los temas, hago mención especial al tema “Run” donde los agudos de Calanna son brutales sin llegar a ser estridentes llegándome a recordar por momentos a ZP Theat. Cabe destacar temas como “Goddess of War”, “Born in Valhalla” o “Fury of the Gods”, esta última recordándome a Sabaton.
Definitivamente estamos ante un disco que manifiesta el enorme potencial de la banda y que nos deja con ganas de saber hasta dónde pueden llegar, como disco debut me parece de lo más correcto aunque hay algunos temas que no me dicen nada. Vocalmente la combinación me parece magnífica y los músicos están a la altura sin excesivas florituras. Mi enhorabuena. Un saludo.
Texto: Abbatttthhhhh
If we look at the aesthetics of the group and the small advances that the band has offered us, we are before a power metal band whose clear reference is Manowar and are similar to Brothers in Metal. And it is that this project led by the vocalists Tim ‘Tetzel’ Schmidt (Asenblut) and Antonio Calanna (DeVicious) has neither trap nor cardboard, this is a type of Power where half times, hymns and simplicity combined with pure strength and that you can really love it or just loathe it.
The album that immerses us in stories of heroes and that forces us to sing their hymns with songs that work live like a shot, simply forces you to get your act together. The record of both vocalists gives us a lot of textures that are reflected in the songs, I make special mention of the song “Run” where Calanna’s treble is brutal without being strident, reminding me at times of ZP Theat. It is worth noting songs like “Goddess of War”, “Born in Valhalla” or “Fury of the Gods”, the latter reminding me of Sabaton.
This is definitely an album that shows the enormous potential of the band and that leaves us wanting to know how far they can go, as a debut album it seems to me to be the most correct although there are some songs that don’t tell me anything. Vocally, the combination seems magnificent to me and the musicians are up to the task without excessive frills. My congratulations. All the best.
Text: Abbatttthhhhh
Listado canciones/Tracklist
- All for Metal
- Goddess of War
- Born in Valhalla
- Raise Your Hammer
- Hear the Drum
- Run
- Prophecy of Hope
- Mountain of Power
- Fury of the Gods
- The Day of the Hammerfall
- Legends Never Die