[English below]
Nanga Parbat es una banda italiana que nos trae su disco debut “Downfall And Torment” a través de Sliptrick Records y que sale a la venta el 23 de Marzo, el disco ha sido producido por Marco Cinghio Mastrobuono y Fabrizio Ludovici. En este disco la banda quiere recrear la frágil y mágica sensación de incertidumbre que habita en cada alma humana, y como la naturaleza se rebela de forma agresiva y poderosa a la conciencia humana en su afán hambriento de poder. El desarrollo musical y vocal del disco refleja desde la miseria humana hasta el renacimiento de la naturaleza. Y es que la banda desarrolla durante todo el disco una atmósfera que plasma perfectamente desde el inicio pacífico hasta llegar al tema principal de la obra inspirada en Willian Shakespeare y su obra Macbeth para retratar la codicia humana y como va a pagar por sus crímenes.
Con respecto al disco musicalmente nos vamos a encontrar un Death Metal progresivo con toques modernos donde se observan influencias de Mozart o Wagner, como de música barroca Bach, Vivaldi), y para ello cuenta con un cuarteto formado por contrabajo, violonchelo, viola y violin dirigido por Francesco Ferrini (colaborador de Dimmu Borgir).
Desde la intro “The Edge Of An Endless Waterfall” con guitarra española y el cuarteto de cuerda dando la entrada al tema “Through A Lake Of Damnation” que inicia con guitarras power para ejecutar uno de los temas mas completos del álbum y que mas me gusta hasta el tema “Downfall And Torment”, el album transcurre en constantes cambios de ritmo y en el que la voces guturales y melódicas se van alternando e incluso cantando simultáneamente sin eclipsarse mutuamente, recordándome en algunos temas al grupo Xeno. El álbum tiene la virtud de generar en ciertos momentos ambientes realmente agobiantes acompañados por la guitarra, en la que la guitarra principal da esas melodías que te sacan de ese ambiente.
En definitiva buen disco para los seguidores del estilo, que en cada escucha te va gustando más y más por todos los aportes técnicos y matices. Así si.
Texto: Aaabbbaaattthhh
Nanga Parbat is an Italian band that brings us their debut album “Downfall And Torment” through Sliptrick Records and that goes on sale on March 23, the album has been produced by Marco Cinghio Mastrobuono and Fabrizio Ludovici. In this album the band wants to recreate the fragile and magical feeling of uncertainty that inhabits every human soul, and how nature aggressively and powerfully rebels against human consciousness in its hungry desire for power. The musical and vocal development of the album reflects from human misery to the rebirth of nature. And it is that the band develops throughout the album an atmosphere that perfectly captures from the peaceful beginning to the main theme of the work inspired by Willian Shakespeare and his work Macbeth to portray human greed and how he will pay for his crimes.
With regard to the album musically we are going to find a progressive Death Metal with modern touches where influences from Mozart or Wagner are observed, such as baroque music Bach, Vivaldi), and for this it has a quartet formed by double bass, cello, viola and violin Directed by Francesco Ferrini (collaborator of Dimmu Borgir).
From the intro “The Edge Of An Endless Waterfall” with Spanish guitar and the string quartet giving the entrance to the song “Through A Lake Of Damnation” that begins with power guitars to execute one of the most complete songs on the album and what else Like even the song “Downfall And Torment”, the album takes place in constant rhythm changes and in which the guttural and melodic voices alternate and even sing simultaneously without eclipsing each other, reminding me of the group Xeno in some songs. The album has the virtue of generating in certain moments really overwhelming environments accompanied by the guitar, in which the main guitar gives those melodies that take you out of that environment.
In short, a good album for fans of the style, that in each listen you like it more and more for all the technical contributions and nuances. So yes.
Text: Aaabbbaaattthhh
Listado de canciones/tracklist:
- The Edge Of An Endless Waterfall
- Through A Lake Of Damnation
- Blood, Death And Silence
- Tidal Blight
- Demon In The Snow
- Obscure Rains
- Curse Of The Thaw
- Downfall And Torment
- Breath Of The Northern Winds